Beale's barberry with the scientific name: Mahonia bealei, a species of the genus Mahonia (Mahonia) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Leatherleaf mahonia
Synonyms: Berberis bealei, Mahonia japonica Bealei-Group
Media-ID: 105515
Oregon grape with the scientific name: Mahonia aquifolium, a species of the genus Mahonia (Mahonia) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Holly mahonia, Trailing mahonia
Synonyms: Mahonia piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, Berberis piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium
Media-ID: 105514
Beale's barberry with the scientific name: Mahonia bealei, a species of the genus Mahonia (Mahonia) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Leatherleaf mahonia
Synonyms: Berberis bealei, Mahonia japonica Bealei-Group
Media-ID: 101282