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Centaurea alpestris - Alpine centory (102907)

Alpine centory with the scientific name: Centaurea alpestris, a species of the genus Centaurea (Knapweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Starthistle, Knapweed

Media-ID: 102907

Carlina acaulis - Smooth carlina (100577)

Smooth carlina with the scientific name: Carlina acaulis, a species of the genus Carlina (Thistle) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Silver thistle, Stemless carline thistle, Dwarf carline thistle, Alpine thistle, Charlemagne thistle, Wolf thistle

Media-ID: 100577

Carlina acaulis - Smooth carlina (100578)

Smooth carlina with the scientific name: Carlina acaulis, a species of the genus Carlina (Thistle) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Silver thistle, Stemless carline thistle, Dwarf carline thistle, Alpine thistle, Charlemagne thistle, Wolf thistle

Media-ID: 100578

Carduus defloratus ssp. glaucus - Alpine thistle (100567)

Alpine thistle with the scientific name: Carduus defloratus ssp. glaucus , a species of the genus Carduus (Plumeless thistle) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Alpine plumeless thistle

Media-ID: 100567