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Pieris japonica 'Browers Beauty' - Lily-of-the-valley bush (104392)

Lily-of-the-valley bush with the scientific name: Pieris japonica 'Browers Beauty', a variety of the genus Pieris (Andromeda) in the family Ericaceae.

Other names: Japanese andromeda, Japanese pieris

Media-ID: 104392

Pieris japonica 'Browers Beauty' - Lily-of-the-valley bush (104391)

Lily-of-the-valley bush with the scientific name: Pieris japonica 'Browers Beauty', a variety of the genus Pieris (Andromeda) in the family Ericaceae.

Other names: Japanese andromeda, Japanese pieris

Media-ID: 104391

Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beauty bush (103813)

Beauty bush with the scientific name: Kolkwitzia amabilis, a species of the genus Kolkwitzia in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Media-ID: 103813

Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beauty bush (101162)

Beauty bush with the scientific name: Kolkwitzia amabilis, a species of the genus Kolkwitzia in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Media-ID: 101162

Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beauty bush (101161)

Beauty bush with the scientific name: Kolkwitzia amabilis, a species of the genus Kolkwitzia in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Media-ID: 101161