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Rhamnus frangula - Alder buckthorn (104580)

Alder buckthorn with the scientific name: Rhamnus frangula, a species of the genus Rhamnus (Buckthorn) in the family Rhamnaceae.

Other names: Berry-bearing alder, Black alder, Butcher's prickwood, Dogwood, Glossy buckthorn, Breaking buckthorn

Synonyms: Frangula alnus

Media-ID: 104580

Prunus padus 'Colorata' - Bird Cherry (101608)

Bird Cherry with the scientific name: Prunus padus 'Colorata', a variety of the genus Prunus (Stonefruit) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Hackberry, Black dogwood, Eggberry, Hagberry, Heckberry, Hedgeberry, Hog cherry

Media-ID: 101608