Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 106000
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 105999
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 105961
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 105960
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 105959
Japanese maple with the scientific name: Acer palmatum, a species of the genus Acer (Maple) in the family Sapindaceae.
Other names: Smooth japanese maple
Media-ID: 105218
Japanese snowball tree with the scientific name: Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum, a species of the genus Viburnum (Arrowwood) in the family Adoxaceae.
Other names: Snowball
Media-ID: 105167
Red sage with the scientific name: Salvia miltiorrhiza, a species of the genus Salvia (Sage) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Chinese sage, Tan shen, Danshen
Media-ID: 104974
Red sage with the scientific name: Salvia miltiorrhiza, a species of the genus Salvia (Sage) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Chinese sage, Tan shen, Danshen
Media-ID: 104973
Witch hazel with the scientific name: Hamamelis x intermedia 'Ruby Glow', a variety of the genus Hamamelis (Witch hazel) in the family Hamamelidaceae.
Other names: Winterbloom
Media-ID: 103598
Bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103515
Mountain witch alder with the scientific name: Fothergilla major, a species of the genus Fothergilla (Witch alder) in the family Hamamelidaceae.
Other names: Large witch alder
Media-ID: 103395
Yellow barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', a variety of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Media-ID: 103247
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 103244
Red barrenwort with the scientific name: Epimedium x rubrum, a species of the genus Epimedium (Barrenwort) in the family Berberidaceae.
Other names: Bishop's hat, Fairy wings, Horny goat weed, Rowdy lamb herb, Randy beef grass, Yin yang huo
Synonyms: Epimedium alpinum x Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium alpinum 'Rubrum'
Media-ID: 103243
Dwarf buckeye with the scientific name: Aesculus parviflora, a species of the genus Aesculus (Buckeye) in the family Sapindaceae.
Other names: Bottlebrush buckeye, Dwarf horse chestnut
Media-ID: 102254
Dwarf buckeye with the scientific name: Aesculus parviflora, a species of the genus Aesculus (Buckeye) in the family Sapindaceae.
Other names: Bottlebrush buckeye, Dwarf horse chestnut
Media-ID: 102253
White Forsythia with the scientific name: Abeliophyllum distichum, a species of the genus Abeliophyllum in the family Oleaceae.
Other names: Korean abelia
Media-ID: 102153