Blue wood aster with the scientific name: Aster cordifolius 'Ideal', a variety of the genus Aster (Aster) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Heartleaf aster
Synonyms: Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Ideal'
Media-ID: 112972
Blue wood aster with the scientific name: Aster cordifolius 'Ideal', a variety of the genus Aster (Aster) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Heartleaf aster
Synonyms: Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Ideal'
Media-ID: 112973
Blue wood aster with the scientific name: Aster cordifolius 'Ideal', a variety of the genus Aster (Aster) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Heartleaf aster
Synonyms: Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Ideal'
Media-ID: 112971
Blue wood aster with the scientific name: Aster cordifolius 'Ideal', a variety of the genus Aster (Aster) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Heartleaf aster
Synonyms: Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Ideal'
Media-ID: 112970
Blue wood aster with the scientific name: Aster cordifolius 'Blue Heaven', a variety of the genus Aster (Aster) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Heartleaf aster
Synonyms: Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Blue Heaven'
Media-ID: 112969
Elephant's ear saxifrage with the scientific name: Bergenia crassifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Siberian tea, Mongolian tea, Leather bergenia, Winter-blooming bergenia, Heartleaf bergenia
Media-ID: 105316
The photo shows a variety (selection, cultivar or hybrid) of the species: Bergenia cordifolia.
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 105315
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 105314
Heart-leaved houttuynia with the scientific name: Houttuynia cordata, a species of the genus Houttuynia in the family Saururaceae.
Other names: Lizard tail, Heartleaf, Fishwort, Bishop's weed
Media-ID: 103717
Heart-leaved houttuynia with the scientific name: Houttuynia cordata, a species of the genus Houttuynia in the family Saururaceae.
Other names: Lizard tail, Heartleaf, Fishwort, Bishop's weed
Media-ID: 103716
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia 'Winterglut', a variety of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Bergenia cordifolia 'Vinterglöd'
Media-ID: 102707
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102700
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102701
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102699
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102698
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102697
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102695
Heart-leaf bergenia with the scientific name: Bergenia cordifolia, a species of the genus Bergenia (Elephant ear) in the family Saxifragaceae.
Other names: Pig squeak, Heartleaf
Synonyms: Megasea cordifolia
Media-ID: 102696
Chameleon plant with the scientific name: Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon', a variety of the genus Houttuynia in the family Saururaceae.
Other names: Heart-leaved houttuynia, Lizard tail, Heartleaf, Fishwort, Bishop's weed
Media-ID: 101083
Chameleon plant with the scientific name: Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon', a variety of the genus Houttuynia in the family Saururaceae.
Other names: Heart-leaved houttuynia, Lizard tail, Heartleaf, Fishwort, Bishop's weed
Media-ID: 101082