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Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine (112686)

Canada columbine with the scientific name: Aquilegia canadensis, a species of the genus Aquilegia (Columbine) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Akaly, Honeysuckle columbine, Cluckies, Jack-in-trousers, Meeting houses, Rock bells, Turk's cap

Media-ID: 112686

Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine (112687)

Canada columbine with the scientific name: Aquilegia canadensis, a species of the genus Aquilegia (Columbine) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Akaly, Honeysuckle columbine, Cluckies, Jack-in-trousers, Meeting houses, Rock bells, Turk's cap

Media-ID: 112687

Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine (112685)

Canada columbine with the scientific name: Aquilegia canadensis, a species of the genus Aquilegia (Columbine) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Akaly, Honeysuckle columbine, Cluckies, Jack-in-trousers, Meeting houses, Rock bells, Turk's cap

Media-ID: 112685

Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine (112459)

Canada columbine with the scientific name: Aquilegia canadensis, a species of the genus Aquilegia (Columbine) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Akaly, Honeysuckle columbine, Cluckies, Jack-in-trousers, Meeting houses, Rock bells, Turk's cap

Media-ID: 112459

Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine (112458)

Canada columbine with the scientific name: Aquilegia canadensis, a species of the genus Aquilegia (Columbine) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Akaly, Honeysuckle columbine, Cluckies, Jack-in-trousers, Meeting houses, Rock bells, Turk's cap

Media-ID: 112458

Ipomoea x multifida - Cardinal climber (110431)

Cardinal climber with the scientific name: Ipomoea x multifida, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Flag of Spain, Hearts-and-honey vine, Mina

Synonyms: Ipomoea coccinea x Ipomoea quamoclit

Media-ID: 110431

Ipomoea x multifida - Cardinal climber (110429)

Cardinal climber with the scientific name: Ipomoea x multifida, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Flag of Spain, Hearts-and-honey vine, Mina

Synonyms: Ipomoea coccinea x Ipomoea quamoclit

Media-ID: 110429

Ipomoea x multifida - Cardinal climber (110430)

Cardinal climber with the scientific name: Ipomoea x multifida, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Flag of Spain, Hearts-and-honey vine, Mina

Synonyms: Ipomoea coccinea x Ipomoea quamoclit

Media-ID: 110430

Ipomoea x multifida - Cardinal climber (110428)

Cardinal climber with the scientific name: Ipomoea x multifida, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Flag of Spain, Hearts-and-honey vine, Mina

Synonyms: Ipomoea coccinea x Ipomoea quamoclit

Media-ID: 110428

Ipomoea x multifida - Cardinal climber (110427)

Cardinal climber with the scientific name: Ipomoea x multifida, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Flag of Spain, Hearts-and-honey vine, Mina

Synonyms: Ipomoea coccinea x Ipomoea quamoclit

Media-ID: 110427

Cryptotaenia japonica - Mitsuba (103038)

Mitsuba with the scientific name: Cryptotaenia japonica, a species of the genus Cryptotaenia (Honewort) in the family Apiaceae.

Other names: Japanese wild parsley, Mitzuba, Stone parsley, Honeywort, San ip, San ye qin

Synonyms: Cryptotaenia canadensis ssp. japonica

Media-ID: 103038

Melissa officinalis - Lemon balm (101316)

Lemon balm with the scientific name: Melissa officinalis, a species of the genus Melissa (Lemon balm) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Balm, Balm leaf, Balm oil plant, Barm leaf, Bee balm, Dropsywort, Honey plant, Pimentary, Sweet balm, Sweet Mary, Tea balm

Synonyms: Melissa altissima, Melissa cordifolia, Melissa foliosa, Melissa graveolens, Melissa hirsuta, Melissa occidentalis, Melissa taurica, Thymus melissa

Media-ID: 101316

Melissa officinalis - Lemon balm (101315)

Lemon balm with the scientific name: Melissa officinalis, a species of the genus Melissa (Lemon balm) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Balm, Balm leaf, Balm oil plant, Barm leaf, Bee balm, Dropsywort, Honey plant, Pimentary, Sweet balm, Sweet Mary, Tea balm

Synonyms: Melissa altissima, Melissa cordifolia, Melissa foliosa, Melissa graveolens, Melissa hirsuta, Melissa occidentalis, Melissa taurica, Thymus melissa

Media-ID: 101315