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Rheum palmatum - Chinese rhubarb (104582)

Chinese rhubarb with the scientific name: Rheum palmatum, a species of the genus Rheum (Rhubarb) in the family Polygonaceae.

Other names: Turkish rhubarb, Turkey rhubarb, Indian rhubarb, Russian rhubarb, Rhubarb root, Ornamental rhubarb, Palmate rhubarb, Da-huang

Synonyms: Rheum potaninii, Rheum qinlingense

Media-ID: 104582

Darmera peltata - Umbrella plant (103191)

Umbrella plant with the scientific name: Darmera peltata, a species of the genus Darmera in the family Saxifragaceae.

Other names: Indian rhubarb, Giant cup

Synonyms: Darmera peltata 'Umbrella Plant', Peltiphyllum peltatum, Saxifraga peltata

Media-ID: 103191

Darmera peltata - Umbrella plant (100800)

Umbrella plant with the scientific name: Darmera peltata, a species of the genus Darmera in the family Saxifragaceae.

Other names: Indian rhubarb, Giant cup

Synonyms: Darmera peltata 'Umbrella Plant', Peltiphyllum peltatum, Saxifraga peltata

Media-ID: 100800