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Tragopogon porrifolius - Common salsify (105603)

Common salsify with the scientific name: Tragopogon porrifolius, a species of the genus Tragopogon in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: purple salsify, oyster plant, vegetable oyster, Jerusalem star, goatsbeard, simply salsify

Media-ID: 105603

Cerastium tomentosum - Dusty miller (102912)

Dusty miller with the scientific name: Cerastium tomentosum, a species of the genus Cerastium (Chinese clover) in the family Caryophyllaceae.

Other names: Snow-in-summer, Jerusalem star, Snow plant, Wooly mouse-ear chickweed

Media-ID: 102912

Cerastium tomentosum - Dusty miller (100604)

Dusty miller with the scientific name: Cerastium tomentosum, a species of the genus Cerastium (Chinese clover) in the family Caryophyllaceae.

Other names: Snow-in-summer, Jerusalem star, Snow plant, Wooly mouse-ear chickweed

Media-ID: 100604