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Lunaria annua - Honesty (105508)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105508

Lunaria annua - Honesty (105507)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105507

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103978)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103978

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103979)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103979

Cercis chinensis - Chinese redbud (102918)

Chinese redbud with the scientific name: Cercis chinensis, a species of the genus Cercis (Redbud) in the family Caesalpiniaceae.

Media-ID: 102918

Cercis canadensis - Eastern redbud (102917)

Eastern redbud with the scientific name: Cercis canadensis, a species of the genus Cercis (Redbud) in the family Caesalpiniaceae.

Other names: American Judas tree, American redbud, North American redbud

Media-ID: 102917

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101247)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101247

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101246)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101246

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101245)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101245