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Results (11)

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Lippia alba - Anise verbena (103959)

Anise verbena with the scientific name: Lippia alba, a species of the genus Lippia (Fogfruit) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Bushy lippia, white Lippia

Synonyms: Camara alba, Lantana alba, Lantana cuneatifolia, Lantana geminata, Lantana lippioides, Lantana malabarica, Lantana mollissima, Lantana odorata, Lippia asperifolia, Lippia citrata, Lippia crenata, Lippia geminata, Lippia globiflora, Lippia havanensis, Lippia obovata, Verbena globiflora, Verbena lantanoides

Media-ID: 103959

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (103836)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 103836

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (103835)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 103835

Lantana canescens (101183)

Lantana canescens, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Synonyms: Lantana citrosa

Media-ID: 101183

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101181)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101181

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101182)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101182

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101180)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101180

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101179)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101179

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101178)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101178

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101177)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101177

Lantana camara - Yellow sage (101176)

Yellow sage with the scientific name: Lantana camara, a species of the genus Lantana (Shrub verbena) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Jamaica mountain sage, Shrub verbena

Media-ID: 101176