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Cornus officinalis - Japanese cornel (105351)

Japanese cornel with the scientific name: Cornus officinalis, a species of the genus Cornus (Dogwood) in the family Cornaceae.

Other names: Japanese cornelian cherry

Media-ID: 105351

Dahlia 'Cornel' - Dahlia (103190)

Dahlia with the scientific name: Dahlia 'Cornel', a variety of the genus Dahlia (Dahlia) in the family Asteraceae.

Media-ID: 103190

Cornus canadensis - Creeping dogwood (100734)

Creeping dogwood with the scientific name: Cornus canadensis, a species of the genus Cornus (Dogwood) in the family Cornaceae.

Other names: Dwarf cornel, Bunchberry, Bunchberry dogwood, Crackerberry, Canadian bunchberry, Dwarf dogwood, Low cornel, Eastern bunchberry, Canadian dwarf cornel, Pudding berry, Pigeonberry, Pigeon berry

Synonyms: Chamaepericlymenum canadense

Media-ID: 100734