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Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata' - Lily of the valley (102975)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 102975

Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold (102805)

Marsh marigold with the scientific name: Caltha palustris, a species of the genus Caltha (Marsh marigold) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Kingcup, Boots, Brave bassinets, Bull flower, Cow lily, Crazy Beth, Crowfoot, Drunkards, Goldings, Gools, Horse blob, May blob, Mare blob, Marybuds, Meadow-bright, Meadow buttercup, Meadow cowslip, Meadow gowan, Publican's cloak, Publicans-and-sinners, Soldier's buttons, Water boots, Water buttercup, Water cowslip, Water dragon, Water goggles, Water gowan, Yellow gowan

Synonyms: Caltha cornuta, Caltha palustris var. polypetala, Caltha polypetala

Media-ID: 102805

Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold (102804)

Marsh marigold with the scientific name: Caltha palustris, a species of the genus Caltha (Marsh marigold) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Kingcup, Boots, Brave bassinets, Bull flower, Cow lily, Crazy Beth, Crowfoot, Drunkards, Goldings, Gools, Horse blob, May blob, Mare blob, Marybuds, Meadow-bright, Meadow buttercup, Meadow cowslip, Meadow gowan, Publican's cloak, Publicans-and-sinners, Soldier's buttons, Water boots, Water buttercup, Water cowslip, Water dragon, Water goggles, Water gowan, Yellow gowan

Synonyms: Caltha cornuta, Caltha palustris var. polypetala, Caltha polypetala

Media-ID: 102804

Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold (102803)

Marsh marigold with the scientific name: Caltha palustris, a species of the genus Caltha (Marsh marigold) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Kingcup, Boots, Brave bassinets, Bull flower, Cow lily, Crazy Beth, Crowfoot, Drunkards, Goldings, Gools, Horse blob, May blob, Mare blob, Marybuds, Meadow-bright, Meadow buttercup, Meadow cowslip, Meadow gowan, Publican's cloak, Publicans-and-sinners, Soldier's buttons, Water boots, Water buttercup, Water cowslip, Water dragon, Water goggles, Water gowan, Yellow gowan

Synonyms: Caltha cornuta, Caltha palustris var. polypetala, Caltha polypetala

Media-ID: 102803

Convallaria majalis 'Rosea' - Lily of the valley (100667)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Rosea', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 100667

Convallaria majalis 'Rosea' - Lily of the valley (100666)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Rosea', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 100666

Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold (100535)

Marsh marigold with the scientific name: Caltha palustris, a species of the genus Caltha (Marsh marigold) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Kingcup, Boots, Brave bassinets, Bull flower, Cow lily, Crazy Beth, Crowfoot, Drunkards, Goldings, Gools, Horse blob, May blob, Mare blob, Marybuds, Meadow-bright, Meadow buttercup, Meadow cowslip, Meadow gowan, Publican's cloak, Publicans-and-sinners, Soldier's buttons, Water boots, Water buttercup, Water cowslip, Water dragon, Water goggles, Water gowan, Yellow gowan

Synonyms: Caltha cornuta, Caltha palustris var. polypetala, Caltha polypetala

Media-ID: 100535

Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold (100534)

Marsh marigold with the scientific name: Caltha palustris, a species of the genus Caltha (Marsh marigold) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Kingcup, Boots, Brave bassinets, Bull flower, Cow lily, Crazy Beth, Crowfoot, Drunkards, Goldings, Gools, Horse blob, May blob, Mare blob, Marybuds, Meadow-bright, Meadow buttercup, Meadow cowslip, Meadow gowan, Publican's cloak, Publicans-and-sinners, Soldier's buttons, Water boots, Water buttercup, Water cowslip, Water dragon, Water goggles, Water gowan, Yellow gowan

Synonyms: Caltha cornuta, Caltha palustris var. polypetala, Caltha polypetala

Media-ID: 100534