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Sinopodophyllum hexandrum - Himalayan mayapple (104542)

Himalayan mayapple with the scientific name: Sinopodophyllum hexandrum, a species of the genus Sinopodophyllum (Mayapple) in the family Berberidaceae.

Other names: Himalayan mandrake, Indian may apple

Synonyms: Podophyllum emodi, Podophyllum hexandrum

Media-ID: 104542

Dysosma 'Spotty Dotty' - Mayapple (104230)

Mayapple with the scientific name: Dysosma 'Spotty Dotty', a variety of the genus Dysosma (Mayapple) in the family Berberidaceae.

Synonyms: Podophyllum versipelle 'Spotty Dotty'

Media-ID: 104230