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Lunaria annua - Honesty (105508)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105508

Lunaria annua - Honesty (105507)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105507

Sedum telephium - Orpine (104867)

Orpine with the scientific name: Sedum telephium, a species of the genus Sedum (Stonecrop) in the family Crassulaceae.

Other names: Emperor's stonecrop, Livelong, Frog's-stomach, Harping Johnny, Life-everlasting, Live-forever, Midsummer-men, Orphan John, Witch's moneybags

Synonyms: Hylotelephium telephium, Sedum carpaticum, Sedum fabaria

Media-ID: 104867

Sedum telephium - Orpine (104868)

Orpine with the scientific name: Sedum telephium, a species of the genus Sedum (Stonecrop) in the family Crassulaceae.

Other names: Emperor's stonecrop, Livelong, Frog's-stomach, Harping Johnny, Life-everlasting, Live-forever, Midsummer-men, Orphan John, Witch's moneybags

Synonyms: Hylotelephium telephium, Sedum carpaticum, Sedum fabaria

Media-ID: 104868

Meum athamanticum - Spignel (104079)

Spignel with the scientific name: Meum athamanticum, a species of the genus Meum in the family Apiaceae.

Other names: Bad money, Bald money, Bawd money, Bearwort, Beast's wort, Meu, Mew, Spiknel

Synonyms: Aethusa meum, Athamanta meum, Carum meum, Meum nevadense

Media-ID: 104079

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103979)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103979

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103978)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103978

Sedum telephium - Orpine (101913)

Orpine with the scientific name: Sedum telephium, a species of the genus Sedum (Stonecrop) in the family Crassulaceae.

Other names: Emperor's stonecrop, Livelong, Frog's-stomach, Harping Johnny, Life-everlasting, Live-forever, Midsummer-men, Orphan John, Witch's moneybags

Synonyms: Hylotelephium telephium, Sedum carpaticum, Sedum fabaria

Media-ID: 101913

Meum athamanticum - Spignel (101332)

Spignel with the scientific name: Meum athamanticum, a species of the genus Meum in the family Apiaceae.

Other names: Bad money, Bald money, Bawd money, Bearwort, Beast's wort, Meu, Mew, Spiknel

Synonyms: Aethusa meum, Athamanta meum, Carum meum, Meum nevadense

Media-ID: 101332

Meum athamanticum - Spignel (101331)

Spignel with the scientific name: Meum athamanticum, a species of the genus Meum in the family Apiaceae.

Other names: Bad money, Bald money, Bawd money, Bearwort, Beast's wort, Meu, Mew, Spiknel

Synonyms: Aethusa meum, Athamanta meum, Carum meum, Meum nevadense

Media-ID: 101331

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny (101267)

Creeping Jenny with the scientific name: Lysimachia nummularia, a species of the genus Lysimachia (Loosestrife) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Creeping joan, Creeping loosestrife, Meadow runagates, Twopenny grass, Wandering sailor

Synonyms: Ephemerum nummularia, Lysimachusa nummularia

Media-ID: 101267

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny (101266)

Creeping Jenny with the scientific name: Lysimachia nummularia, a species of the genus Lysimachia (Loosestrife) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Creeping joan, Creeping loosestrife, Meadow runagates, Twopenny grass, Wandering sailor

Synonyms: Ephemerum nummularia, Lysimachusa nummularia

Media-ID: 101266

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101247)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101247

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101246)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101246

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101245)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101245