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Galium verum - Lady's bedstraw (103467)

Lady's bedstraw with the scientific name: Galium verum, a species of the genus Galium (Bedstraw) in the family Rubiaceae.

Other names: Bed flower, Cheese rennet, Fenwort, Hundredfold, Maid's hair, Maiden's hair, Our Lady's bedstraw, Petty mugget, Rennet weed, Yellow bedstraw

Media-ID: 103467

Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata' - Lily of the valley (102975)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 102975

Galium verum - Lady's bedstraw (100972)

Lady's bedstraw with the scientific name: Galium verum, a species of the genus Galium (Bedstraw) in the family Rubiaceae.

Other names: Bed flower, Cheese rennet, Fenwort, Hundredfold, Maid's hair, Maiden's hair, Our Lady's bedstraw, Petty mugget, Rennet weed, Yellow bedstraw

Media-ID: 100972

Convallaria majalis 'Rosea' - Lily of the valley (100667)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Rosea', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 100667

Convallaria majalis 'Rosea' - Lily of the valley (100666)

Lily of the valley with the scientific name: Convallaria majalis 'Rosea', a variety of the genus Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) in the family Asparagaceae.

Other names: May lily, Our Lady's tears, Lady's tears, Conval lily, Liriconfancy, May bells, Mayflower, Mugget, Word lily

Media-ID: 100666