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Thlaspi macrophyllum - Broad-leaved penny-cress (104544)

Broad-leaved penny-cress with the scientific name: Thlaspi macrophyllum, a species of the genus Thlaspi (Bastard cress) in the family Brassicaceae.

Synonyms: Pachyphragma macrophyllum, Thlaspi latifolium

Media-ID: 104544

Thlaspi macrophyllum - Broad-leaved penny-cress (104543)

Broad-leaved penny-cress with the scientific name: Thlaspi macrophyllum, a species of the genus Thlaspi (Bastard cress) in the family Brassicaceae.

Synonyms: Pachyphragma macrophyllum, Thlaspi latifolium

Media-ID: 104543

Hydrangea macrophylla - Bigleaf hydrangea (103727)

Bigleaf hydrangea with the scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla, a species of the genus Hydrangea (Hortensia) in the family Hydrangeaceae.

Other names: French hydrangea, Lacecap hydrangea, Mophead hydrangea, Penny mac

Media-ID: 103727

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny (101267)

Creeping Jenny with the scientific name: Lysimachia nummularia, a species of the genus Lysimachia (Loosestrife) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Creeping joan, Creeping loosestrife, Meadow runagates, Twopenny grass, Wandering sailor

Synonyms: Ephemerum nummularia, Lysimachusa nummularia

Media-ID: 101267

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny (101266)

Creeping Jenny with the scientific name: Lysimachia nummularia, a species of the genus Lysimachia (Loosestrife) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Creeping joan, Creeping loosestrife, Meadow runagates, Twopenny grass, Wandering sailor

Synonyms: Ephemerum nummularia, Lysimachusa nummularia

Media-ID: 101266

Hydrangea macrophylla - Bigleaf hydrangea (101090)

Bigleaf hydrangea with the scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla, a species of the genus Hydrangea (Hortensia) in the family Hydrangeaceae.

Other names: French hydrangea, Lacecap hydrangea, Mophead hydrangea, Penny mac

Media-ID: 101090

Hydrangea macrophylla - Bigleaf hydrangea (101089)

Bigleaf hydrangea with the scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla, a species of the genus Hydrangea (Hortensia) in the family Hydrangeaceae.

Other names: French hydrangea, Lacecap hydrangea, Mophead hydrangea, Penny mac

Media-ID: 101089