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Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (112442)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 112442

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (112440)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 112440

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (112441)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 112441

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (112439)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 112439

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (112438)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 112438

Rheum palmatum - Chinese rhubarb (104582)

Chinese rhubarb with the scientific name: Rheum palmatum, a species of the genus Rheum (Rhubarb) in the family Polygonaceae.

Other names: Turkish rhubarb, Turkey rhubarb, Indian rhubarb, Russian rhubarb, Rhubarb root, Ornamental rhubarb, Palmate rhubarb, Da-huang

Synonyms: Rheum potaninii, Rheum qinlingense

Media-ID: 104582

Rheum maximowiczii - Rhubarb (104581)

Rhubarb with the scientific name: Rheum maximowiczii, a species of the genus Rheum (Rhubarb) in the family Polygonaceae.

Media-ID: 104581

Jeffersonia dubia - Twin leaf (103795)

Twin leaf with the scientific name: Jeffersonia dubia, a species of the genus Jeffersonia (Twinleaf) in the family Berberidaceae.

Other names: Rheumatism root

Synonyms: Plagiorhegma dubium, Jeffersonia manchuriensis

Media-ID: 103795

Jeffersonia dubia - Twin leaf (103794)

Twin leaf with the scientific name: Jeffersonia dubia, a species of the genus Jeffersonia (Twinleaf) in the family Berberidaceae.

Other names: Rheumatism root

Synonyms: Plagiorhegma dubium, Jeffersonia manchuriensis

Media-ID: 103794

Dioscorea villosa - Wild yam (103161)

Wild yam with the scientific name: Dioscorea villosa, a species of the genus Dioscorea (Yam) in the family Dioscoreaceae.

Other names: Atlantic yam, Colic root, Devil's bones, Rheumatism root, Yellow yam, China root, Fourleaf, Four-leaf yam

Synonyms: Merione villosa, Dioscorea quaternata

Media-ID: 103161

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (102484)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 102484

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (102485)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 102485

Apocynum cannabinum - Dogbane (102483)

Dogbane with the scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum, a species of the genus Apocynum (Dogbane) in the family Apocynaceae.

Other names: Amy Root, Canada hemp, Chotaw root, General Marion's weed, Hemp Dogbane, Prairie Dogbane, Indian Hemp, Old amy-root, Rheumatism root, Snake's milk, Wild Cotton

Media-ID: 102483

Rheum rhabarbarum - Garden rhubarb (101657)

Garden rhubarb with the scientific name: Rheum rhabarbarum, a species of the genus Rheum (Rhubarb) in the family Polygonaceae.

Other names: Pieplant

Synonyms: Rhabarbarum verum, Rheum franzenbachii, Rheum undulatum

Media-ID: 101657