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Antennaria parvifolia - Small-leaf pussytoes (112252)

Small-leaf pussytoes with the scientific name: Antennaria parvifolia, a species of the genus Antennaria (Cudweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Nuttall's pussytoes

Synonyms: Antennaria aprica

Media-ID: 112252

Antennaria parvifolia - Small-leaf pussytoes (112253)

Small-leaf pussytoes with the scientific name: Antennaria parvifolia, a species of the genus Antennaria (Cudweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Nuttall's pussytoes

Synonyms: Antennaria aprica

Media-ID: 112253

Antennaria parvifolia - Small-leaf pussytoes (112251)

Small-leaf pussytoes with the scientific name: Antennaria parvifolia, a species of the genus Antennaria (Cudweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Nuttall's pussytoes

Synonyms: Antennaria aprica

Media-ID: 112251

Antennaria parvifolia - Small-leaf pussytoes (112250)

Small-leaf pussytoes with the scientific name: Antennaria parvifolia, a species of the genus Antennaria (Cudweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Nuttall's pussytoes

Synonyms: Antennaria aprica

Media-ID: 112250

Antennaria parvifolia - Small-leaf pussytoes (112249)

Small-leaf pussytoes with the scientific name: Antennaria parvifolia, a species of the genus Antennaria (Cudweed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Nuttall's pussytoes

Synonyms: Antennaria aprica

Media-ID: 112249

Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting (109158)

Pearly everlasting with the scientific name: Anaphalis margaritacea, a species of the genus Anaphalis (Pearly everlasting) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: American cudweed, Cottonweed, Indian posy, Lady-never-fade, Lady's tobacco, Life everlasting, Moonshine, None-so-pretty, Pearl cudweed, Poverty weed, Silver buttons, Silverleaf

Synonyms: Antennaria margaritacea, Gnaphalium margaritaceum

Media-ID: 109158

Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting (108470)

Pearly everlasting with the scientific name: Anaphalis margaritacea, a species of the genus Anaphalis (Pearly everlasting) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: American cudweed, Cottonweed, Indian posy, Lady-never-fade, Lady's tobacco, Life everlasting, Moonshine, None-so-pretty, Pearl cudweed, Poverty weed, Silver buttons, Silverleaf

Synonyms: Antennaria margaritacea, Gnaphalium margaritaceum

Media-ID: 108470

Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting (108469)

Pearly everlasting with the scientific name: Anaphalis margaritacea, a species of the genus Anaphalis (Pearly everlasting) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: American cudweed, Cottonweed, Indian posy, Lady-never-fade, Lady's tobacco, Life everlasting, Moonshine, None-so-pretty, Pearl cudweed, Poverty weed, Silver buttons, Silverleaf

Synonyms: Antennaria margaritacea, Gnaphalium margaritaceum

Media-ID: 108469

Acaena caesiiglauca 'Frikart' - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (106474)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca 'Frikart', a variety of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Media-ID: 106474

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (106473)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 106473

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (106472)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 106472

Lunaria annua - Honesty (105508)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105508

Lunaria annua - Honesty (105507)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 105507

Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' - Broadleaf stonecrop (104862)

Broadleaf stonecrop with the scientific name: Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco', a variety of the genus Sedum (Stonecrop) in the family Crassulaceae.

Other names: Colorado stonecrop

Media-ID: 104862

Salvia discolor - Peruvian sage (104695)

Peruvian sage with the scientific name: Salvia discolor, a species of the genus Salvia (Sage) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Andean sage, Andean silver-leaf sage

Synonyms: Salvia bonplandiana, Salvia mexicana, Salvia nigricans

Media-ID: 104695

Salvia discolor - Peruvian sage (104694)

Peruvian sage with the scientific name: Salvia discolor, a species of the genus Salvia (Sage) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Andean sage, Andean silver-leaf sage

Synonyms: Salvia bonplandiana, Salvia mexicana, Salvia nigricans

Media-ID: 104694

Salvia discolor - Peruvian sage (104693)

Peruvian sage with the scientific name: Salvia discolor, a species of the genus Salvia (Sage) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Andean sage, Andean silver-leaf sage

Synonyms: Salvia bonplandiana, Salvia mexicana, Salvia nigricans

Media-ID: 104693

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103978)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103978

Lunaria annua - Honesty (103979)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 103979

Helianthus argophyllus - Whiteleaf sunflower (103621)

Whiteleaf sunflower with the scientific name: Helianthus argophyllus, a species of the genus Helianthus (Sunflower) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Silverleaf sunflower

Media-ID: 103621

Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris - Chard (103433)

Mangold in the vegetable garden.

Chard with the scientific name: Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris, a species of the genus Beta (Beet) in the family Amaranthaceae.

Other names: Beet spinach, Leaf beet, Mangold, Perpetual spinach, Seakale beet, Silverbeet, Swiss chard

Media-ID: 103433

Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris - Chard (102716)

Chard with the scientific name: Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris, a species of the genus Beta (Beet) in the family Amaranthaceae.

Other names: Beet spinach, Leaf beet, Mangold, Perpetual spinach, Seakale beet, Silverbeet, Swiss chard

Media-ID: 102716

Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris - Chard (102715)

Chard with the scientific name: Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris, a species of the genus Beta (Beet) in the family Amaranthaceae.

Other names: Beet spinach, Leaf beet, Mangold, Perpetual spinach, Seakale beet, Silverbeet, Swiss chard

Media-ID: 102715

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (102161)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 102161

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (102160)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 102160

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (102159)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 102159

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101247)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101247

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101246)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101246

Lunaria annua - Honesty (101245)

Honesty with the scientific name: Lunaria annua, a species of the genus Lunaria (Honesty) in the family Brassicaceae.

Other names: Moneywort, Moonwort, Annual honesty, Bolbonac, Chinese money, Grandpa's specs, Judas's penny, Matrimony, Money flower, Money in both pockets, Moon seed, Penny bark, Penny flower, Peter's pence, Pope's money, Prick-song flower, St Peter's pence, Satin flower, Satin leaves, Satin pod, Silver dollar, Silver leaf, Silver plate, White satin

Media-ID: 101245

Helianthus argophyllus - Whiteleaf sunflower (101041)

Whiteleaf sunflower with the scientific name: Helianthus argophyllus, a species of the genus Helianthus (Sunflower) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Silverleaf sunflower

Media-ID: 101041

Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting (100217)

Pearly everlasting with the scientific name: Anaphalis margaritacea, a species of the genus Anaphalis (Pearly everlasting) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: American cudweed, Cottonweed, Indian posy, Lady-never-fade, Lady's tobacco, Life everlasting, Moonshine, None-so-pretty, Pearl cudweed, Poverty weed, Silver buttons, Silverleaf

Synonyms: Antennaria margaritacea, Gnaphalium margaritaceum

Media-ID: 100217

Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting (100216)

Pearly everlasting with the scientific name: Anaphalis margaritacea, a species of the genus Anaphalis (Pearly everlasting) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: American cudweed, Cottonweed, Indian posy, Lady-never-fade, Lady's tobacco, Life everlasting, Moonshine, None-so-pretty, Pearl cudweed, Poverty weed, Silver buttons, Silverleaf

Synonyms: Antennaria margaritacea, Gnaphalium margaritaceum

Media-ID: 100216

Acaena caesiiglauca - Silver-leafed New Zealand burr (100016)

Silver-leafed New Zealand burr with the scientific name: Acaena caesiiglauca, a species of the genus Acaena (New Zealand bur) in the family Rosaceae.

Other names: Glaucous pirri-pirri-bur

Synonyms: Acaena glauca, Acaena caerulea

Media-ID: 100016