Thyme with the scientific name: Thymus 'Silver Posie', a variety of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Synonyms: Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Posie', Thymus vulgaris 'Silver Posie'
Media-ID: 105060
Orange thyme with the scientific name: Thymus 'Fragrantissimus', a variety of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Synonyms: Thymus fragrantissimus, Thymus vulgaris 'Fragrantissimus'
Media-ID: 105039
Lemon thyme with the scientific name: Thymus x citriodorus, a species of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Synonyms: Thymus pulegioides x Thymus vulgaris, Thymus x carolipaui, Thymus serpyllum var. citriodorus, Thymus × vivariensis
Media-ID: 102003
Common thyme with the scientific name: Thymus vulgaris, a species of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Pot-herb thyme, German thyme, Garden thyme
Media-ID: 102002
Common thyme with the scientific name: Thymus vulgaris, a species of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Pot-herb thyme, German thyme, Garden thyme
Media-ID: 102001
Common thyme with the scientific name: Thymus vulgaris, a species of the genus Thymus (Thyme) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Pot-herb thyme, German thyme, Garden thyme
Media-ID: 102000