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Primula denticulata 'Alba' - Drumstick primula (104462)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata 'Alba', a variety of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104462

Primula denticulata 'Rubin' - Drumstick primula (104463)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata 'Rubin', a variety of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104463

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (104461)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104461

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (104459)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104459

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (104460)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104460

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (104458)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104458

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (104457)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 104457

Primula denticulata - Drumstick primula (101595)

Drumstick primula with the scientific name: Primula denticulata, a species of the genus Primula (Primrose) in the family Primulaceae.

Other names: Himalayan primrose, Tooth-leaved primrose

Media-ID: 101595