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Pennisetum villosum - Feathertop (104292)

Feathertop with the scientific name: Pennisetum villosum, a species of the genus Pennisetum (Fountain grass) in the family Poaceae.

Other names: Long-style feathergrass, White foxtail

Synonyms: Pennisetum longistylum

Media-ID: 104292

Pennisetum villosum - Feathertop (104291)

Feathertop with the scientific name: Pennisetum villosum, a species of the genus Pennisetum (Fountain grass) in the family Poaceae.

Other names: Long-style feathergrass, White foxtail

Synonyms: Pennisetum longistylum

Media-ID: 104291

Pennisetum villosum - Feathertop (104290)

Feathertop with the scientific name: Pennisetum villosum, a species of the genus Pennisetum (Fountain grass) in the family Poaceae.

Other names: Long-style feathergrass, White foxtail

Synonyms: Pennisetum longistylum

Media-ID: 104290

Lycopodium clavatum - Stag's horn clubmoss (101261)

Stag's horn clubmoss with the scientific name: Lycopodium clavatum, a species of the genus Lycopodium (Ground pine) in the family Lycopodiaceae.

Other names: Buck grass, Buckhorn, Buckhorn moss, Common clubmoss, Creeping bur, Creeping foxtail, Ground pine, Running pine, Walking fern

Media-ID: 101261

Eremurus himalaicus - Foxtail lily (100873)

Foxtail lily with the scientific name: Eremurus himalaicus, a species of the genus Eremurus (Foxtail lily) in the family Asphodeloideae.

Other names: Desert candle

Media-ID: 100873