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Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowbunting' - Double-flowered american wake-robin (105622)

Double-flowered american wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowbunting', a variety of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: American wood lily, Large white wood lily, White wake robin, Wake-robin, Snow trillium, Large-flowered trillium, Great white trillium, American wake-robin

Synonyms: Trillium grandiflorum 'Flore Pleno'

Media-ID: 105622

Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowbunting' - Double-flowered american wake-robin (105621)

Double-flowered american wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowbunting', a variety of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: American wood lily, Large white wood lily, White wake robin, Wake-robin, Snow trillium, Large-flowered trillium, Great white trillium, American wake-robin

Synonyms: Trillium grandiflorum 'Flore Pleno'

Media-ID: 105621

Trillium grandiflorum - White wake-robin (105619)

White wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium grandiflorum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: American wood lily, Large white wood lily, American wake robin, Wake-robin, Snow trillium, Large-flowered trillium, Great white trillium

Media-ID: 105619

Trillium grandiflorum - White wake-robin (105620)

White wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium grandiflorum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: American wood lily, Large white wood lily, American wake robin, Wake-robin, Snow trillium, Large-flowered trillium, Great white trillium

Media-ID: 105620

Trillium chloropetalum var. album - Giant wakerobin (105605)

Giant wakerobin with the scientific name: Trillium chloropetalum var. album, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: Common trillium, Giant trillium, Sessile trillium

Media-ID: 105605

Trillium cernuum - Drooping wake-robin (105080)

Drooping wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium cernuum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: Nodding trillium, Nodding wakerobin, Whip-poor-will flower, Drooping wood lily, Jew's harp plant, Rattlesnake root, Snakebite plant

Media-ID: 105080

Trillium cernuum - Drooping wake-robin (105081)

Drooping wake-robin with the scientific name: Trillium cernuum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: Nodding trillium, Nodding wakerobin, Whip-poor-will flower, Drooping wood lily, Jew's harp plant, Rattlesnake root, Snakebite plant

Media-ID: 105081

Trillium albidum - Giant white wakerobin (105078)

Giant white wakerobin with the scientific name: Trillium albidum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: White toadshade, Sweet trillium

Media-ID: 105078

Trillium camschatcense - Wakerobin (105079)

Wakerobin with the scientific name: Trillium camschatcense, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: Birthwort

Media-ID: 105079

Trillium albidum - Giant white wakerobin (105077)

Giant white wakerobin with the scientific name: Trillium albidum, a species of the genus Trillium (Wood lily) in the family Melanthiaceae.

Other names: White toadshade, Sweet trillium

Media-ID: 105077