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Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (112231)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 112231

Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (112230)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 112230

Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (112229)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 112229

Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (112228)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 112228

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110394)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110394

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110393)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110393

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110391)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110391

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110392)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110392

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110390)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110390

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110388)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110388

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110389)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110389

Ipomoea batatas - Sweet potato (110387)

Sweet potato with the scientific name: Ipomoea batatas, a species of the genus Ipomoea (Evening glory) in the family Convolvulaceae.

Other names: Brazilian arrowroot, Jalap tops, Kumar, Kumara, Spanish potato, Yam

Media-ID: 110387

Amorphophallus konjac - Konjac (105258)

Konjac with the scientific name: Amorphophallus konjac, a species of the genus Amorphophallus (Zaminkand) in the family Araceae.

Other names: Devil's tongue, Elephant yam, Snake palm, Voodoo lily

Synonyms: Amorphophallus rivieri

Media-ID: 105258

Dioscorea villosa - Wild yam (103161)

Wild yam with the scientific name: Dioscorea villosa, a species of the genus Dioscorea (Yam) in the family Dioscoreaceae.

Other names: Atlantic yam, Colic root, Devil's bones, Rheumatism root, Yellow yam, China root, Fourleaf, Four-leaf yam

Synonyms: Merione villosa, Dioscorea quaternata

Media-ID: 103161

Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (102468)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 102468

Anisodus luridus - Scopolia (102469)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Anisodus luridus, a species of the genus Anisodus in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus luridus, Nicandra anomala, Physalis stramonifolia, Scopolia anomala, Scopolia stramonifolia, Whitleya stramonifolia

Media-ID: 102469

Amorphophallus konjac - Konjac (102396)

Konjac with the scientific name: Amorphophallus konjac, a species of the genus Amorphophallus (Zaminkand) in the family Araceae.

Other names: Devil's tongue, Elephant yam, Snake palm, Voodoo lily

Synonyms: Amorphophallus rivieri

Media-ID: 102396

Scopolia carniolica - Scopolia (101900)

Scopolia with the scientific name: Scopolia carniolica, a species of the genus Scopolia in the family Solanaceae.

Synonyms: Hyoscyamus scopolia

Media-ID: 101900

Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane (101092)

Black henbane with the scientific name: Hyoscyamus niger, a species of the genus Hyoscyamus (Henbene) in the family Solanaceae.

Other names: Belene, Chenile, Common henbane, Devil's eye, Fetid nightshade, Hog bean, Insane root, Loaves of bread, Poison tobacco, Stinking nightshade

Media-ID: 101092

Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane (101091)

Black henbane with the scientific name: Hyoscyamus niger, a species of the genus Hyoscyamus (Henbene) in the family Solanaceae.

Other names: Belene, Chenile, Common henbane, Devil's eye, Fetid nightshade, Hog bean, Insane root, Loaves of bread, Poison tobacco, Stinking nightshade

Media-ID: 101091