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Yellow flower of Arum lily (113154)

A yellow blossom of the zantedeschia against a yellow background.

Media-ID: 113154

Yellow flower of Arum lily (113152)

A yellow blossom of the zantedeschia against a yellow background.

Media-ID: 113152

Yellow flower of Arum lily (113153)

A yellow blossom of the zantedeschia against a yellow background.

Media-ID: 113153

Yellow flower of Arum lily (113151)

A yellow blossom of the zantedeschia against a yellow background.

Media-ID: 113151

Yellow flower of Arum lily (113150)

A yellow blossom of the zantedeschia against a yellow background.

Media-ID: 113150

Anemone multifida - Rocky Mountain windflower (112426)

Rocky Mountain windflower with the scientific name: Anemone multifida, a species of the genus Anemone (Windflower) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Cliff Anemone, Lesser's anemone, Cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone, Globe anemone

Synonyms: Anemone globosa, Anemone magellanica

Media-ID: 112426

Allium hollandicum - Dutch garlic (112672)

Dutch garlic with the scientific name: Allium hollandicum, a species of the genus Allium (Leek) in the family Alliaceae.

Other names: Persian onion, Flowering onion, Ornamental allium, Ornamental onion

Synonyms: Allium aflatunense

Media-ID: 112672

Anemone multifida - Rocky Mountain windflower (112075)

Rocky Mountain windflower with the scientific name: Anemone multifida, a species of the genus Anemone (Windflower) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Cliff Anemone, Lesser's anemone, Cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone, Globe anemone

Synonyms: Anemone globosa, Anemone magellanica

Media-ID: 112075

Verbena canadensis - Rose vervain (111534)

Rose vervain with the scientific name: Verbena canadensis, a species of the genus Verbena (Vervain) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Clump verbena, Cut-leaved vervain, Rock Mountain vervain

Media-ID: 111534

Verbena canadensis - Rose vervain (111535)

Rose vervain with the scientific name: Verbena canadensis, a species of the genus Verbena (Vervain) in the family Verbenaceae.

Other names: Clump verbena, Cut-leaved vervain, Rock Mountain vervain

Media-ID: 111535

Anemone multifida - Rocky Mountain windflower (109258)

Rocky Mountain windflower with the scientific name: Anemone multifida, a species of the genus Anemone (Windflower) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Cliff Anemone, Lesser's anemone, Cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone, Globe anemone

Synonyms: Anemone globosa, Anemone magellanica

Media-ID: 109258

Anemone multifida - Rocky Mountain windflower (109257)

Rocky Mountain windflower with the scientific name: Anemone multifida, a species of the genus Anemone (Windflower) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Cliff Anemone, Lesser's anemone, Cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone, Globe anemone

Synonyms: Anemone globosa, Anemone magellanica

Media-ID: 109257

Achillea filipendulina - Fernleaf yarrow (108507)

Drying flowers.

Fernleaf yarrow with the scientific name: Achillea filipendulina, a species of the genus Achillea (Yarrow) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Milfoil, Nosebleed

Synonyms: Achillea eupatorium, Achillea filicifolia, Tanacetum angulatum

Media-ID: 108507

Achillea filipendulina - Fernleaf yarrow (108493)

Drying flowers.

Fernleaf yarrow with the scientific name: Achillea filipendulina, a species of the genus Achillea (Yarrow) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Milfoil, Nosebleed

Synonyms: Achillea eupatorium, Achillea filicifolia, Tanacetum angulatum

Media-ID: 108493

Valeriana officinalis - Common valerian (105132)

Common valerian with the scientific name: Valeriana officinalis, a species of the genus Valeriana (Valerian) in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Other names: All-heal, Capon's tail, Cat's valerian, Cut-finger, Cut-heal, Garden heliotrope, Hardy heliotrope, Herb bennet, Hercules' all-heal, Medicinal valerian, Phu, St George's herb, Set-wall, Set-well, Summer heliotrope, Vandal root

Media-ID: 105132

Valeriana officinalis - Common valerian (105131)

Common valerian with the scientific name: Valeriana officinalis, a species of the genus Valeriana (Valerian) in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Other names: All-heal, Capon's tail, Cat's valerian, Cut-finger, Cut-heal, Garden heliotrope, Hardy heliotrope, Herb bennet, Hercules' all-heal, Medicinal valerian, Phu, St George's herb, Set-wall, Set-well, Summer heliotrope, Vandal root

Media-ID: 105131

Scutellaria scordiifolia - Scullcap (104852)

Scullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria scordiifolia, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Synonyms: Scutellaria depressa, Scutellaria reptans, Scutellaria scordiifolia var. scordiifolia

Media-ID: 104852

Scutellaria orientalis - Oriental skullcap (104851)

Oriental skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria orientalis, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Media-ID: 104851

Scutellaria baicalensis - Baikal skullcap (104850)

Baikal skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria baicalensis, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Chinese skullcap

Synonyms: Scutellaria adamsii, Scutellaria davurica, Scutellaria lanceolaria, Scutellaria speciosa, Scutellaria macrantha

Media-ID: 104850

Scutellaria altissima - Somerset skullcap (104849)

Somerset skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria altissima, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Tall skullcap

Synonyms: Cassida altissima, Scutellaria altissima ssp. commutata, Scutellaria commutata

Media-ID: 104849

Scutellaria altissima - Somerset skullcap (104847)

Somerset skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria altissima, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Tall skullcap

Synonyms: Cassida altissima, Scutellaria altissima ssp. commutata, Scutellaria commutata

Media-ID: 104847

Scutellaria altissima - Somerset skullcap (104848)

Somerset skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria altissima, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Tall skullcap

Synonyms: Cassida altissima, Scutellaria altissima ssp. commutata, Scutellaria commutata

Media-ID: 104848

Scutellaria altissima - Somerset skullcap (104846)

Somerset skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria altissima, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Tall skullcap

Synonyms: Cassida altissima, Scutellaria altissima ssp. commutata, Scutellaria commutata

Media-ID: 104846

Scutellaria alpina 'Arcobaleno' - Alpine skullcap (104845)

Alpine skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria alpina 'Arcobaleno', a variety of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Media-ID: 104845

Plectranthus scutellarioides - Coleus (104672)

Coleus with the scientific name: Plectranthus scutellarioides, a species of the genus Plectranthus (Spurflower) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Painted nettle

Synonyms: Calchas scutellarioides, Coleus blumeii, Coleus scutellarioides, Solenostemon scutellarioides

Media-ID: 104672

Anemone multifida 'Rubra' - Rocky Mountain windflower (102439)

Rocky Mountain windflower with the scientific name: Anemone multifida 'Rubra', a variety of the genus Anemone (Windflower) in the family Ranunculaceae.

Other names: Cliff Anemone, Lesser's anemone, Cutleaf anemone, Pacific anemone, Globe anemone

Synonyms: Anemone x lesseri

Media-ID: 102439

Valeriana officinalis - Common valerian (102027)

Common valerian with the scientific name: Valeriana officinalis, a species of the genus Valeriana (Valerian) in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Other names: All-heal, Capon's tail, Cat's valerian, Cut-finger, Cut-heal, Garden heliotrope, Hardy heliotrope, Herb bennet, Hercules' all-heal, Medicinal valerian, Phu, St George's herb, Set-wall, Set-well, Summer heliotrope, Vandal root

Media-ID: 102027

Valeriana officinalis - Common valerian (102026)

Common valerian with the scientific name: Valeriana officinalis, a species of the genus Valeriana (Valerian) in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Other names: All-heal, Capon's tail, Cat's valerian, Cut-finger, Cut-heal, Garden heliotrope, Hardy heliotrope, Herb bennet, Hercules' all-heal, Medicinal valerian, Phu, St George's herb, Set-wall, Set-well, Summer heliotrope, Vandal root

Media-ID: 102026

Silphium laciniatum - Compass plant (101938)

Compass plant with the scientific name: Silphium laciniatum, a species of the genus Silphium (Rosin weed) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Prairie compass plant, Pilotweed, Polarplant, Gum weed, Cut-leaf silphium, Gopher plant, Ragged cup, Turpentine plant

Synonyms: Silphium laciniatum var. laciniatum, Silphium laciniatum var. robinsonii

Media-ID: 101938

Scutellaria orientalis - Oriental skullcap (101905)

Oriental skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria orientalis, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Media-ID: 101905

Scutellaria incana - Downy skullcap (101904)

Downy skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria incana, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Hoary skullcap

Media-ID: 101904

Scutellaria baicalensis - Baikal skullcap (101902)

Baikal skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria baicalensis, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Chinese skullcap

Synonyms: Scutellaria adamsii, Scutellaria davurica, Scutellaria lanceolaria, Scutellaria speciosa, Scutellaria macrantha

Media-ID: 101902

Scutellaria comosa - Skullcap (101903)

Skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria comosa, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Media-ID: 101903

Scutellaria alpina - Alpine skullcap (101901)

Alpine skullcap with the scientific name: Scutellaria alpina, a species of the genus Scutellaria (Skullcap) in the family Lamiaceae.

Media-ID: 101901

Saxifraga hypnoides var. egemmulosa - Mossy saxifrage (101874)

Mossy saxifrage with the scientific name: Saxifraga hypnoides var. egemmulosa, a species of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifrage) in the family Saxifragaceae.

Other names: Cut-leaved saxifrage, Dovedale moss, Eve's cushion, Indian moss, Lady's cushion, Queen's cushion

Media-ID: 101874

Rudbeckia laciniata - Cutleaf coneflower (101760)

Cutleaf coneflower with the scientific name: Rudbeckia laciniata, a species of the genus Rudbeckia (Coneflower) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Green-head coneflower

Synonyms: Rudbeckia digitata, Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata

Media-ID: 101760

Rudbeckia laciniata - Cutleaf coneflower (101759)

Cutleaf coneflower with the scientific name: Rudbeckia laciniata, a species of the genus Rudbeckia (Coneflower) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Green-head coneflower

Synonyms: Rudbeckia digitata, Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata

Media-ID: 101759

Plectranthus scutellarioides - Coleus (101648)

Coleus with the scientific name: Plectranthus scutellarioides, a species of the genus Plectranthus (Spurflower) in the family Lamiaceae.

Other names: Painted nettle

Synonyms: Calchas scutellarioides, Coleus blumeii, Coleus scutellarioides, Solenostemon scutellarioides

Media-ID: 101648

Pleione grex. 'Paricutin' - Peacock orchid (101555)

Peacock orchid with the scientific name: Pleione grex. 'Paricutin', a variety of the genus Pleione (Peacock orchid) in the family Orchidaceae.

Media-ID: 101555

Pleione grex. 'Paricutin' - Peacock orchid (101554)

Peacock orchid with the scientific name: Pleione grex. 'Paricutin', a variety of the genus Pleione (Peacock orchid) in the family Orchidaceae.

Media-ID: 101554

Pleione grex. 'Paricutin' - Peacock orchid (101553)

Peacock orchid with the scientific name: Pleione grex. 'Paricutin', a variety of the genus Pleione (Peacock orchid) in the family Orchidaceae.

Media-ID: 101553

Brachyscome multifida - Cut-leaved daisy (100483)

Cut-leaved daisy with the scientific name: Brachyscome multifida, a species of the genus Brachyscome (Swan river daisy) in the family Asteraceae.

Other names: Rock daisy, Hawkesbury daisy

Media-ID: 100483

Biscutella laevigata - Buckler mustard (100467)

Buckler mustard with the scientific name: Biscutella laevigata, a species of the genus Biscutella in the family Brassicaceae.

Media-ID: 100467

Biscutella laevigata - Buckler mustard (100468)

Buckler mustard with the scientific name: Biscutella laevigata, a species of the genus Biscutella in the family Brassicaceae.

Media-ID: 100468