Young bulbs of Leucojum vernum.
Spring snowflake with the scientific name: Leucojum vernum, a species of the genus Leucojum (Snowflake) in the family Amaryllidaceae.
Other names: Spring-flowered snowflake, Agnes flower, Snowbell, Dewdrop, St. Agnes' flower
Media-ID: 106041
Young bulbs of Leucojum vernum.
Spring snowflake with the scientific name: Leucojum vernum, a species of the genus Leucojum (Snowflake) in the family Amaryllidaceae.
Other names: Spring-flowered snowflake, Agnes flower, Snowbell, Dewdrop, St. Agnes' flower
Media-ID: 106032
Tufted horned rampion with the scientific name: Physoplexis comosa, a species of the genus Physoplexis in the family Campanulaceae.
Other names: Tufted rampion
Synonyms: Phyteuma comosum, Rapunculus comosus, Schellanderia carinthiaca, Syntoma comosum
Media-ID: 104375
Young plants of parsley.
Parsley with the scientific name: Petroselinum crispum, a species of the genus Petroselinum (Parsley) in the family Apiaceae.
Other names: Ache, Devil-and-back-ten-times, Garden parsley, Herb of death, Herb venus
Synonyms: Petroselinum sativum
Media-ID: 104326
Young plants of parsley.
Parsley with the scientific name: Petroselinum crispum, a species of the genus Petroselinum (Parsley) in the family Apiaceae.
Other names: Ache, Devil-and-back-ten-times, Garden parsley, Herb of death, Herb venus
Synonyms: Petroselinum sativum
Media-ID: 104325
Young cuttings rooting for young plants.
Dittany of Crete with the scientific name: Origanum dictamnus, a species of the genus Origanum (Oregano) in the family Lamiaceae.
Other names: Hop marjoram, Cretan dittany, Hop plant
Synonyms: Amaracus dictamnus, Dictamnus creticus, Majorana dictamnus, Origanum dictamnifolium, Origanum saxatile
Media-ID: 104226
Seedlings and young plants after germination.
Mountain arnica with the scientific name: Arnica montana, a species of the genus Arnica (Leopard's bane) in the family Asteraceae.
Other names: Leopard's bane, Wolf's bane, Mountain tobacco
Media-ID: 102527