Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum 'Vital', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill, Iberian cranesbill
Media-ID: 105437
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 105436
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Midnight Reiter', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 105435
Himalayan cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium himalayense, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Lilac cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium grandiflorum
Media-ID: 105434
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium x oxonianum 'Katherine Adele', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103535
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium x oxonianum 'Katherine Adele', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103534
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium x oxonianum 'Katherine Adele', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103533
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium x oxonianum 'Katherine Adele', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103532
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium x oxonianum 'Katherine Adele', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103531
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum 'Vital', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill, Iberian cranesbill
Media-ID: 103530
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum 'Rosemoor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Media-ID: 103529
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103528
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103527
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103526
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103525
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103524
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103523
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103522
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 103521
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium 'Sirak', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Synonyms: Geranium gracile 'Sirak'
Media-ID: 103520
Cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium shikokianum yoshianum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Media-ID: 103519
Bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum 'Nanum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103518
Bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum 'Nanum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103517
White-flowered bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum 'Album', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103516
Bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103515
Bloody cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium sanguineum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Bloody geranium
Media-ID: 103514
Pyrenees cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Hedgerow cranesbill
Media-ID: 103513
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Striatum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Synonyms: Geranium pratense 'Bicolor'
Media-ID: 103512
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Midnight Reiter', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103511
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Midnight Reiter', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103510
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Midnight Reiter', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103509
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Hokus Pokus', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103508
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Caeruleum Plenum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103507
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense 'Caeruleum Plenum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103506
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium pratense, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Media-ID: 103505
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103504
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103503
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103502
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103501
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103500
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Samobor', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103499
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Album', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 103498
Meadow cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium 'Johnsons Blue', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Common cranesbill, Crowfoot, Meadow geranium, Wild geranium
Synonyms: Geranium grandiflorum 'Johnson Blue'
Media-ID: 103497
Himalayan cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium himalayense 'Plenum', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Lilac cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium himalayense 'Birch Double', Geranium 'Birch Lilac'
Media-ID: 103496
Ashy cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Grey cranesbill
Media-ID: 103495
Ashy cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Grey cranesbill
Media-ID: 103494
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 102087
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 102086
Dusky cranesbill with the scientific name: Geranium phaeum 'Album', a variety of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Mourning widow, Black widow
Media-ID: 102084
Showy geranium with the scientific name: Geranium x magnificum, a species of the genus Geranium (Cranesbill) in the family Geraniaceae.
Other names: Showy cranesbill
Synonyms: Geranium platypetalum hort., Geranium ibericum
Media-ID: 102085