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Rhus (5)

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Rhus typhina - Stag's horn sumach (104600)

Stag's horn sumach with the scientific name: Rhus typhina, a species of the genus Rhus (Sumach) in the family Anacardiaceae.

Other names: Staghorn sumac, Green-flowered sumach, Velvet sumac, Vinegar tree, Virginian sumach

Synonyms: Rhus hirta

Media-ID: 104600

Rhus trilobata - Skunkbush sumac (104598)

Skunkbush sumac with the scientific name: Rhus trilobata, a species of the genus Rhus (Sumach) in the family Anacardiaceae.

Other names: Ill-scented sumach, Skunkbush, Sourberry, Three-leaf sumac

Media-ID: 104598

Rhus trilobata - Skunkbush sumac (104599)

Skunkbush sumac with the scientific name: Rhus trilobata, a species of the genus Rhus (Sumach) in the family Anacardiaceae.

Other names: Ill-scented sumach, Skunkbush, Sourberry, Three-leaf sumac

Media-ID: 104599

Rhus copallina - Shining Sumac (104597)

Shining Sumac with the scientific name: Rhus copallina, a species of the genus Rhus (Sumach) in the family Anacardiaceae.

Other names: Dwarf sumac, Flameleaf sumac, Mountain sumac, Winged sumac

Media-ID: 104597

Rhus typhina - Stag's horn sumach (101666)

Stag's horn sumach with the scientific name: Rhus typhina, a species of the genus Rhus (Sumach) in the family Anacardiaceae.

Other names: Staghorn sumac, Green-flowered sumach, Velvet sumac, Vinegar tree, Virginian sumach

Synonyms: Rhus hirta

Media-ID: 101666